27 Welcome! Orientation. Craig King
3 The Existence of God. TBD
10 The Holy Trinity Craig King
17 Creation and Original Sin (Priest Interviews) TBD
24 Divine Revelation Dan St. Pierre
1 The Story of Salvation / Covenant History Craig King
8 Who is Jesus? Incarnation & Redemption Kristi Mayers
15 Introduction to Prayer Richard Mayers
22 The Synoptic Gospels Fr. John Assalone
29 The Problem of Evil Craig King
5 Convinced Video
12 Catholic Church 1 - Four Marks of the Church Dara Molina
19 Catholic Church 2 - People, Places, and Things Craig King
& Rehearsal for Rites of Acceptance and Welcome
26 No RCIA - Thanksgiving Week
1 (Sun) Rites of Acceptance and Welcome!
11:30 AM Mass - (Arrive by 11:00 a.m. at the School Gym.)
For Everyone in the RCIA process and their Sponsors.
3 Prayer Traditions TBD
10 Mary and the Saints Sharon Anne King
17 Christmas Celebration (?)
24 No RCIA - Christmas Break
31 No RCIA - Christmas Break
7 Intro to the Sacraments Mason Molina
14 Baptism and Confirmation Nick Rennie
21 The Blessed Sacrament Sharon Anne King
28 The Sacrament of Holy Orders Fr Vic Panaligan
4 The Sacrament of Marriage Mytae and Jason Wallace
11 The Sacraments of Healing Fr Vic Panaligan
18 A Walk through the Mass Fr. John Assalone
25 The Creed Nolan O’Brian
27 Catholic Moral Teaching Craig King
4 Lent & the Liturgical Year & Desert! Gordon McDonald
5 Ash Wednesday - Mass on your own
9 Rites of Sending and Election (Catechumens and Sponsors)
Sending - 11:30 AM at St. Francis. Arrive by 11:00 AM
Election - 2:30 PM Location TBD. Arrive by 2:00 PM.
11 Catholic Moral Teaching Craig King
18 ____________________
23(Sun) 1st Scrutiny at the 11:30 Mass (All Catechumens)
25 Evening of Prayer
28(Fri) Presentation of the Creed
6:00 PM, During Stations of the Cross in the Church
All Catechumens Must Be Present
31(Sun) 2nd Scrutiny at the 11:30 Mass
1 Catholic Social Teaching Dara Molina
6(Sun) 3rd Scrutiny at the 11:30 Mass
8 Suffering Sharon Anne King
11(Fri) Presentation of the Lord’s Prayer
6:00 PM, During Stations of the Cross in the Church
All Catechumens Must Be Present
13 Passion Sunday
14 Easter Vigil Rehearsals
15 No Class – Holy Week!
17th Holy Thursday. Liturgy at 7:00PM
18th Good Friday. Liturgy at 3:00PM
19 Easter Vigil. (Begins at 7:30PM. Catechumens and Sponsors arrive by 6:30 PM)
22 Rehearsal for Divine Mercy Sunday (Baptized Non-Catholics and Sponsors)
27 Divine Mercy Sunday – Reception of Candidates for Full Communion
(Baptized Non-Catholics and Sponsors)
29 Dinner for the Neophytes
6 Living as a Catholic, Following Christ Kristi Mayers
13 Sharing Your Faith Rich Mayers
20 Pot Luck Dinner, Final Night